Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Life less ordinary....

Saw today's news on the 4th victim who died in his sleep. I pity his wife...must be on her lowest point of her life. They could have start a family soon ....is this fated or is there some scientific answer to this. Beofre he died, it was reported that he was busy opening 2nd clinic and working 15 hours a day! His intention is good as he wants to provide a better life for his family. However, in the midst of his materialistic pursuit, he lost everything overnight. Good thing is he died in the comfort of his home , body intact , breathing his last next to his wife.

But he bought grief to his dear ones, how are they gonna live w/o him? Perhaps he is not to be blamed. The society we live in is the biggest culprit. We lived in a very materialistic society where everything is measured by monetary value and status. In order to survive, we have to pursuit for these and we usually lost more than we gain. But in life, there's no free lunches in this world. Perhaps it would be a good thing to re-evaluate ourselves at different stage of our life...to measure the success we had against the lost we incur and made some neccesary adjustment. ...about the real meaningful things we ought to pursuit.

There can never be the best of everything as human are greedy by nature and we always want more..but there are ppl who are able to see thru this web of deceit and are totally at ease with what they have. Simplicity is pure happiness for them.. could I do that?...I am trying cos I am sick of this fruitless pursuit of materialism back then ....trying to be content with what I have. Trying to give more than to take. It makes me feel good when I see the less fortunate happy. I am trying......


At 1:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

>> 憨人 <<

我的心内感觉 人生的沉重 不敢来振动
我不是好子 嘛不是歹人 我只是爱眠梦
我不愿随浪随风 飘浪西东 亲像船无港
我不愿做人 奸巧钻缝 甘愿来作憨人
我不是头脑空空 我不是一只米虫

人啊人 一世人 要安怎欢喜
过春夏秋冬 我有我的路 有我的梦
梦中的那个世界 甘讲伊是一场空
我走过的路 只有希望
希望你我讲过的话 放在心肝内
总有一天 看到满天全金条 要煞无半项

环境来戏弄 背景无够强 天才无够弄
逐项是拢输人 只好看破这虚华
不怕路歹行 不怕大雨淋 心上一字敢
面对我的梦 甘愿来作憨人

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

人的生死早已注定, 就连吃多少, 赚多少, 花多少和 跟谁在一起... 老天爷也早已
做决定. 你我心里都有数, 我们的命掌握在神的手里... 有时我们再努力, 再倔强
, 也不能美梦成真, 如愿以偿. 我们只能每分每秒, 一步一步向前进, 慢慢摸索,

我非常明白你现在的感受, 你现在的处境... 毕竟我也是过来人. 生,老, 病, 死...
我都有承受过, 也都目睹过. 知道你很烦, 有点绝望, 也有点麻木... 想发泄, 想
赶快找到解脱的方法... 但又不想周围的人, 尤其你最关心的人, 担心或被你的情
绪影响. 只好默默的忍受, 静静地揣摩; 用劲全身的力量, 咬紧牙关, 掩饰所有的
悲伤, 希望在带给朋友快乐的当儿, 你也能够从中被他人的笑声感动... 洗掉你身

可是, 朋友... 你曾有想过... 把自己埋没在人海尽头... 有没有发现... 笑着哭
... 其实是最痛的?

有时不要太在意你有没有. 也不要太在乎得与失. 更不要盲目的追求完美或金钱.
钱是赚不完的. 美不美也是天生, 恩赐的... 健康, 家庭, 快乐, 知足... 才是重
要的. 我相信你不是个爱慕虚荣的人... 我也深信你是会分享爱心的人... 只是有
时环境所逼, 才会觉得自己失去了理智和做人的原则.

希望你会尽快找回自己, 学习知足, 珍惜你周遭拥有的一切... 简单的生活往往也
是最幸福, 快乐的... 祝你妈妈早日康复... 也希望你事业更上一层楼... 不要太
担心或烦恼!! 尽力就行了!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

At 10:06 PM, Blogger keelyn said...

Hey Hey, How are u? seems that it's a long time since I left my foot prints onto your blog, *counting the years with fingers*

*Paiseh* will visit your blog more often *wink*


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