Sunday, July 30, 2006

Two cents worth .....

Wealth builders understand a fact that we common people might take years to have to keep your spendings down when your income increases. Why do we feel the need to spend more when we make more? Most of us complain that money is not enough..with the current life expenses rising up .. but do you know that our income have also risen over the past decade? Compare to our neighbouring countries , we are earning many more times and are catching up behind Hong Kong and Japan.

Here is what I think: when you are poor, you are surrounded by things you think you would like to own but simply cannot afford to buy. Soon, you equate the feeling of unsatisfied desire with poverty... if your idea of being wealthy is filled with images of gucci handbags ...expensive watches...merz and are going to have a tough time saving money...unless you are born with a silver spoon or some datuk's son/daughter..when most of us aren't...And everytime we are making an extra dollar, we spend two, how true is that!!

and saving money is another one of the common habits of people who know how to build wealth...and you have to start from young ..

you must teach yourself to feel the truth: that every time you buy a depreciating asset which could be a fashion become poorer. Remind yourself that most of the junk you buy becomes unused after a few months and does not provide much value anyway...well I am not saying that we shouldn't shop but shop and spend wisely. We are all victims of fashion and style and most of the time foolish fashion. Things that might look good on others might not look good on us...People fail to admit that...blame it on ego.. We see people buy , we also follow blindly..monkey see monkey do..part of singaporean culture I guess..

It takes lots of discipline too to much distraction and peer pressure..we all want to look good right? Nowadays when I saw something that I fancy out of it a ring, shirt or bag, I will hold my urges and think calm...would I wear it often, does it fit my overall appearance... and do I have the spare cash to spend? hoarded by all this thoughts, most of the time i would just walk works well for me...and I ended up richer by a few dollar each time.. The only time I would spend freely is when i am in bangkok....cos the exchange rate makes sense to spend more..and the local fashion are exquisite...hard to find in singapore:)

make sense right?


At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also have the same problem... I see you got CRUMPLER bag then I go buy one for myself too...HAHAHAHA!

At 12:44 PM, Blogger tiramisuboy said...

so I am right loh..we are all suffering from peer pressure and are brand conscious...haiz..


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