Sunday, January 04, 2004

my life...

My job in skateline is rather peaceful over at weekdays..not much people will come to bishan park anyway since school starts...I surf, I read, I look...except at weekends, it gets pretty busy since we had courses coming..from 9 - 6pm..

Anyway, I look upon this job as a't tell my boss...she doesn't know..I had the intention to tell her b4 my 3 months is up...everyday ...I kept looking at recruitment times for jobs..need to get away from retail for some time..guess I am not ready for a business of my own yet. Tired of serving people...burning my weekends...I longed for the 9 -5 job life when I can have my own time after work....I got no life now...not getting any younger.need to have a gal by my side to share my woes and happiness.

My new year resolution will be to cut my expenses so that I can clear my debts and save a little, and possibly get hitch b4 valentine"s day..:)



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